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Easily Learn How Braces or Clear Aligners Work

Below is a short videos that gives you a quick understanding of how both clear aligners and braces work.

Braces are Awesome

Braces are a lot more barbaric – and awesome – than you might think. But they actually just copy the process that the rest of your bones naturally undergo! Andrea, an MIT Sloan Fellow, explains.

Clear Aligners are Awesome

Clear Aligners are awesome – They actually just copy the process that the rest of your bones naturally undergo! 

Advantages of Straight Teeth

6 Health Benefits of Straight Teeth

Perfect Straight Teeth is Linked to Better Digestion

Whether you have naturally straight teeth or they were straightened by orthodontia, they’re better for chewing. And chewing is the beginning of the food digestion process.

When you chew your food more thoroughly, it helps speed up the digestion process. Also, food that’s been chewed poorly makes the stomach and intestines work harder.

You end up getting less nutrition and experience stomach issues. Even healthy eaters who don’t chew their food properly can suffer from an unhealthy gut

Easier to Keep Your Teeth Clean and Healthy

Teeth that are either too crowded together or too widely spaced out can become red and inflamed. Gums that are inflamed and red are signs of periodontal disease.

When your teeth are straighter, it’s easier to clean and maintain. Crooked teeth make it more difficult to floss and brush properly because it’s harder to get into the crevices.

You’ll also have to work less hard to maintain clean teeth if they’re straight.

Improved and Clearer Speech

While you may not be aware of it, your teeth play an important role in your speech. If you have teeth that are crowded, gapped or protruding from your mouth, it can affect your speaking patterns negatively.

By investing in orthodontia, you’ll find that within an average of six months, your speech could begin to improve.

Lower Neck and Head Pain

With perfect teeth, there is no excessive stress put on your joints, jaw bone or gums. Crooked teeth, however, can contribute to jaw misalignment.

And that can lead to chronic pain in your neck, face or even headaches. Straightening your teeth will align them so that your bite begins to work correctly.

This allows your temporomandibular joints to move smoothly without placing unnecessary stress on them. You’ll begin to notice fewer headaches and migraines. You’ll also find it’s easier to chew.

Fewer Breaks, Chips or Cracks

Teeth that are crooked or protrude are more likely to break or crack if you fall or are in an accident. Also, when you have crooked teeth, it’s harder to have good dental hygiene which can also weaken your teeth and make it easier to crack or break them.

You’re also more susceptible to biting your cheeks and tongue more often, which can cause painful sores.

Straight teeth offer your teeth greater protection against cracks, chips, breaks, and sores.

Less Wear and Tear

The straighter your teeth are, the less wear and tear you place on your teeth, gums, and jaw. Biting and chewing alone generate quite a bit of pressure.

Properly aligned teeth can handle biting and chewing without problems arising. However, those with bite problems end up putting an excessive amount of stress on their teeth.

That can lead to notching at the gum line, fractures, and even abnormal flattening of the biting surface. Not only does the damage look bad, but it increases your risk of periodontal disease. This could lead to expensive dental work in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

The most commonly asked questions on orthodontics and straight teeth.

What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics (also referred to as dentofacial orthopedics) is a specialized form of dentistry focusing on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental and facial abnormalities.

Do braces hurt?

Braces do not often hurt though you may feel a small amount of discomfort for a couple days as your teeth, gums, cheeks, and mouth get used to your new braces.

Do clear aligners hurt?

In general, they are less painful than traditional braces, and like any type of orthodontic treatment, the pain fades after the teeth adjust to wearing the aligners and to having new aligners swapped in and out.

Do I need to brush my teeth more often if I am having orthodontic treatment

With orthodontic treatment, in general, you should brush your teeth at least three times a day to keep your teeth, gums, and mouth healthy and clean. Brushing regularly will help remove any food that may be caught between your teeth. You should also floss daily to get in between your teeth where your brush isn’t able to reach. Your dental professional can show you how to properly brush and floss depending on your treatment or appliance used.

Do clear aligners really work

Clear aligners are a good solution for correcting mild to moderately crowded or incorrectly spaced teeth. They are most effective if your back teeth already fit together properly, although some doctors are able to handle more complex cases with clear aligners.

What does a retainer do?

A retainer holds or retains your teeth in their final position after your treatment is completed. There are several types of retainers, both removable and fixed. Your doctor will know which type of retainer is best for you.

How It Works